Network, Internet and Wireless

wifi signal icon on a blue background

Regardless of the device you are using, [U]Tech has a network to support you.

Wireless Network

CWRU offers several wireless networks on campus, each with its own purpose. Sign into the wireless network named CaseWireless for a fast and secure connection anywhere on campus. Visit the CaseWireless Instructions page to assist with configuring your devices. For more information about all CWRU wireless networks, visit

Wired Network

The high-speed, wired network allows you to upload, download and browse seamlessly. One-time registration of laptop and desktop computers must be completed at before they can take advantage of the wired network. If you have any issues with or want to register a device other than a PC for the wired network, visit and click "Student Device Self-Registration."

Off-Campus Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Use the VPN when connected to a public network, such as a coffeehouse’s Wi-Fi, to secure and encrypt your communications. VPN is required when accessing certain university resources, such as the Software Center, library and off-campus databases. Visit to download the software.

Duo Security: Two-Factor Authentication

CWRU incorporates two-factor authentication into the Human Capital Management (HCM), Financials (FIN) and other university systems. It offers an additional security measure to verify your identity in addition to your Network ID and password. Visit to enroll.